According to my experiences usually - on the land of the historical Hungary - family tree research can go back to the beginning of 1700 years, to the end of Turkish occupation of Hungary. It sometimes happens (because of namesake or movements) the research can stuck somewhere, and the research cannot go back to that time. In a fortunate case (for example if the family lived in the same setlement for a long time or in a place where the writing of parish registers was started in the 17th century) certain lines can go back to Turkish occupational times. In case of rare family names, using different sources to carry over to the time of ecclesiastical registration
In case of families who moved from other countries if we can find on the origin's place the family tree can be carried to 16th-17th centuries. On German language area it is not rare that we can find parish registers from 1600's even most we can find registers which were started in the 16th century in Western Europe. In case of Jewish families the line of family tree unfortunately breaks before that, because the first registers were only written 19th century.
In the case of researching a family tree of noble families - in some cases - it is possible to go back to the 14-15th centuries. But to search such an old ancestors does not happen everyday. The reason for this are on one hand the missing sources, on the other hand changing family names. The developing and firmly establishing of hereditary family names happened in Eurpe even in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The finished family tree, the documentation of family
After finishing the research with a family tree according to your demand:
- I give personally to you in a printed version or on digital data carrier
- I send it on the internet, by e-mail for my client
If you wish I make a copy of the original sources, registers of births, marriages and deaths, or of any other documentation. I always give the used sources punctually, so it can be controlled and checked. The material which I give after finishing my work:
- Family tree or origin tree drawing (in all cases)
- An article or essay about the history of the family
- A special map of the most important places of the family
- The showing of the most impotant settlements of the family (in case of demand)
- Photos about the important places (in case of demand)
- Copies of the original documents (on demand)
- Official birth/marriage/death certificates (on demand)
- Family crest (for noble families)
- The list of the search places and collections
- The list of used sources